From our 24/7 operations centre, we provide all the necessary requirements for your flight.

Obtaining traffic rights is the start to your journey. This is a challenging and critical phase of your journey. We will get you all overflight and landing permits for your adhoc flights in a timeous manner.

All your credit invoices with us will be backed up with supporting documents from third party service providers, where applicable. Invoices are simple and straight forward without any hidden fees.
We will try upon request to present you with accurate estimates to help you plan your trip. Although these are what they are “estimates”, differences with actual invoices, depending on actual requests, are very small.

S.B-MAN will ensure the positioning of the right equipment and personnel to meet and handle your aircraft. We will provide you with movement reporting, catering, ground transportation, make hotel reservations, ATC filing assistance, passenger handling etc  

Locations where operators require crew, passenger and/or aircraft security we will provide these services.  Depending on your request, armed and uniformed or otherwise, personnel will be provided, 24/7.

•    FUEL
Through contracts held with suppliers, we provide from 2200 locations worldwide, competitively priced aviation fuel. Our team works 24/7 making sure what you require is setup and confirmed before your arrival.
We accept all the major carnet cards.

•    VISA
Crew visas in most African locations are not required if they are properly dressed ie when they are in their uniforms and also have their names on GENDEC. It may only be required if they have to stay for more than certain periods - 48hrs / 72hrs etc - depending on the country. Visa on arrival requirements for passengers varies depending on nationality, origin of flight, etc. The prior submission of passenger manifest and copies of  passport are the main pre-requisite in most countries.
We obtain visas whenever required.

Over the years, we have compiled a database of operators in the various regions of the world. We have operators that may not be listed anywhere in the world, in our database. From your area mapping requirements where you may need a Daulphin Helicopter to a DC3 aircraft, VVIP requirements, your project cargo where an AN124 may be required, we are very much capable of sourcing the right equipment in terms of airworthiness, endurance and cost.

About Us

We formed our company, S.B – MAN, to provide sublime services in worldwide Air Charter Brokerage and Africa wide Flight Operations Management. As very committed Africans we are on a journey to change for the best, the perception as well as some difficult realities you may encounter when operating in Africa.

Important Links

Contact us

HQ -2nd Floor, Glory House,
Opposite Fidelity Bank,
George Walker Bush Highway
Lapaz. Accra Ghana

Airport - G/F Rm 1, Cargo Dor Building,
Kotoka Int. Airport
Accra Ghana.

24/7 Contacts
Direct Tel: +233 24 4321771, +233 20 6298260

©2025 S.B – MAN. All Rights Reserved.
